The Women's Legacy Project of Snohomish
County, Washington seeks to honor our foremothers by recording and
sharing their personal histories, their ability to adapt to the forces
of change and their constant vigilance as stewards of the
diverse cultures of our society. www.snohomishwomenslegacy.org WLP Story # 53 ~ | |
Mary Low Sinclair
~ Forgotten Founder of Snohomish
By Warner Blake
Walking through the oldest part of our
largest cemetery on a sunny afternoon, I easily locate
large, even multiple markers with the names Ferguson
and Harvey, but none with Sinclair. And
amongst the living in our small town the names of Ferguson
and Harvey are easily recognized while the mention of
Sinclair usually fails to ring a bell.
Emory C. Ferguson and John Harvey settled
their claims on opposite sides of the Snohomish River in
1860. East of Ferguson’s claim on the north bank was the
Edson Cady claim, which he sold to Mary and Woodbury
Sinclair in 1864. Woodbury died suddenly in 1872, just
after he and Mary had platted their eastern section of the
officially named Snohomish City. Emory and Lucetta Ferguson
platted their western section, and John Harvey established a
farm and mill on the south bank. The site still has a mill
today, but the farm has given way to a busy airport. The
Harvey claim is located on the other side of the tracks that
marks modern Snohomish’s southern border. |
With the
death of Mary’s husband, ownership of their claim
passed to their two young children, Clarence and
Mabel, and the single mother became executor of her
children’s estate. Her first act in this later role
was to donate three acres alongside the Pilchuck
River for a cemetery, which led to the establishment
of the Snohomish Cemetery Association, the county’s
first public burial ground. Here she buried
Woodbury, along with the remains of their infant son
Alvin who died shortly after his arrival in this
place. Mary purchased a two-foot tall white stone
marker, the first in the county.
Secondly, Mary donated “all
of block 18” for the first school building in 1874,
and within a year a creditable building was on the
site, just north of where the Carnegie Library was
eventually built. Since the beginning of their
residency in Snohomish, classes were held in the
Sinclair home and in 1866, Mary’s friend Ruby
Willard was paid as the first teacher of School
District No. 1, most likely by E. C. Ferguson, the
county superintendent of schools. In 1878, Mary
married Myron Packard, publisher of The Eye,
Snohomish’s second newspaper, but ten years later
they were legally separated and Mary petitioned the
court to restore her name to Mary Low Sinclair. It
was not front-page news. |
Sinclair was
an early investor in the Athenaeum Society shortly after
Woodbury’s death. This was a regionally recognized literary
society that published a monthly, handwritten newsletter,
established the first library by the pooling the books of
members, and built the grand two-story Athenaeum building in
1876. The spirit of the organization later inspired the
populist petition of the Carnegie Foundation for funds to
build a library that was awarded in 1909. She is credited
with starting the local dairy industry with her cow “Rose” a
gift from her father; and she donated property for the
railroad. In fact, both the arrival of the first train and
the filing of her divorce papers took place in 1888 when she
was listed as one of the leading taxpayers for Snohomish
Because the students coming to Mary’s
home were children of Indian mothers, Mary became conversant
in the indigenous languages and dialects over the years and
was often called upon by journalists and government
officials to act as interpreter. The last recorded such
event was in 1920, when she helped a reporter from Seattle’s
Post-Intelligencer interview Snohomish’s famous
Pilchuck Julia. Three years later, “Princess Julia” died
from small pox and was the last person buried in the
cemetery established with the Sinclair donation fifty years
earlier. |
Elizabeth the first of four children of Lydia
(Colburn) and John N. Low was born on December 11
1842, in Bloomington, Illinois. Four months into her
ninth year, the family left Illinois to migrate west
via the Oregon Trail. Just outside of Fort Laramie
the Low party passed the Arthur Denny party, who
were also from Illinois. Both parties met again at
The Dalles, Oregon, and traveled together to
Portland. Finding passage aboard the schooner
Exact, the expanded Denny party, which now
included Mary Ann (Boren) and Arthur Denny’s new
baby, plus the William N. Bell family, along with
the Low family of six, disembarked on a rainy beach
at Alki on November 13, 1851.
While the Denny party moved
across the bay to establish the future town site of
Seattle, the Low family remained at Alki where John
began producing pilings for wharves in San
Francisco. Low sold his lumber business and the
family moved to Olympia then to Port Madison on
Bainbridge Island. Ten years had passed since their
arrival at Alki, and nineteen year old Mary was
teaching at a school where her future husband, her
boss, was the district school clerk. |
Woodbury B.
Sinclair, born in Penobscot County, Maine July 20, 1825,
arrived in Seabeck, Kitsap County, Washington Territory in
1856, as co-founder of a lumber company. In the census of
1860, he was listed as single, age thirty-three, a farmer,
had $5,000 invested in real estate and $100 worth of
personal estate. He and Mary were married at her father’s
home in Kitsap County, March 4, 1862. The couple was
described as “Mr. Sinclair, the handsome clerk and Miss Mary
Low, the vivacious little teacher.” Two years later
Woodbury went on ahead to Snohomish, then called “Cadyville,”
in order to establish a logging camp for a local company,
and ended up buying out Edson Cady. With William
Clendenning he opened a small trading post on the north bank
of the Snohomish River that catered to local loggers. “As
the steamer landed at the gravel bank near the foot of Maple Street, a small
clearing appeared in the otherwise unbroken timber. The town consisted of a
rough log house on the bank in which supplies were stored. The store farther
back, was a twelve by sixteen foot shack. The old building still standing
[1911] at the corner of Maple and Commercial Streets, without windows, doors, or
floor, in time was used for the store, with living rooms in the back.”
The Sinclair’s infant son Alvin died 20 days later. |
On the last day of
April 1865, Mary Low Sinclair and her
one-month-old son Alvin, boarded the small,
unfinished steamer Mary Woodruff in
Port Madison for a journey across Puget
Sound and up the Snohomish River to the
place called Cadyville, arriving the next
day, the first day of May. Forty-six years
later, Mary remembered that day in an
article for the Snohomish County Tribune,
published in 1911:
“There was much to do, but the pioneers were
hustlers and could turn their hands to
anything -- no specialists in those days.
The women, young and hopeful, fearing
neither danger nor privation, soon began to
make things look homelike. A large
fireplace assisted considerably in clearing
the dooryard, in which later bloomed
old-fashioned flowers -- Sweet Williams,
Marigolds and Hollyhocks. There was no time
to be lonesome; frogs sang cheerily in the
nearby marshes; mosquitoes kept the people
busy building smudges. Wild game was
plentiful. The Indians brought venison,
wild ducks, fish and clams. Also the
ranchers from Snoqualmie Prairie brought
delicious hams and bacons of their own
curing." |
second son was born on November 14, 1866, whom they named Clarence Wood
Sinclair, and he lived to become a popular captain of early Snohomish’s favorite
steamship the Nellie in the 1870s.
“For two years there was no
regular steamer outside, and the only fruit
available was wild berries. But living was cheap
and good, and not a butcher shop in forty miles.
The Indian wives of the ranchers made sociable calls
on their white neighbors, conversing in mingled
Boston, Chinook, and Siwash Wa Wa (talk)." |
“May” H. Sinclair was born on April 28, 1869, and lived until 1935. Son
Clarence died in 1905 from a sudden illness. And Mary died on a Sunday, June 11,
1922, following three days of illness. She was seventy-nine years old, still
living in her home on Pearl Street, and still active as far as we know. The June
16th issue of the local paper carried no mention of her passing. The
following week’s issue published a paragraph on the front page that read: “Mrs.
Sinclair Was Earliest Settler In Snohomish. E. C. Morse, former Snohomish
resident, in a letter to the Tribune concerning the death of Mrs. L.
Sinclair, pioneer woman of this city, who died last week, states that Mrs.
Sinclair was the first white woman to settle and make a home in Snohomish
county, and was also the original owner of the town site Snohomish, eastern
The Everett Herald, on the
other hand, published an extensive obituary beginning on the
front page, June 12, 1922, which told the story of her
childhood and her parents, Lydia and John, who also settled
in Snohomish around the time of Woodbury’s passing. The
remains of all family members were interred in the town’s
first cemetery. |
The Catholic Church founded a
second cemetery in 1895; but what was to become the
largest cemetery was established in 1898 by the
Grand Army of the Republic, a Civil War Veteran’s
group, simply referred to as the G.A.R. -- both were
located outside of town. Over the years, the
picturesque cemetery alongside the river, framed by
a white picket fence, was no longer needed for the
newly dead, and so became neglected and eventually
referred to as the “Indian Cemetery.” Consequently,
not enough attention was paid in the 1940s when the
Washington State Department of Transportation
claimed that all of the pioneer graves had been
moved to other cemeteries, when it extended 2nd
Street north, cutting the historic cemetery site in
two. There is no record of the Sinclair or Low
remains being moved to the G.A.R. Only Woodbury’s
faded white headstone, the imagined centerpiece of
the Sinclair memorial, was rescued by the Snohomish
Historical Society in the 1980s, and it was reset in
a prominent position in the Society’s display of a
pioneer graveyard.
Writing this in 2008, I can
report that city funds have been allocated to create
a memorial on the eastern side of the divided
cemetery site, the part that borders the river, and
we hope that both the Sinclair and Low names may be
remembered along with the Indian dead who rested in
this spot long before the coming of the white
people. |
---Mary L. Sinclair, “Sketch of Early Snohomish Life” (1911)
reprinted in The Snohomish Story: From Ox Team to Jet
Stream, Official Program, Snohomish Homestead Centennial,
July 1959, p. 12;
---Stuart Eskenazi, “The Misplaced Pioneers,” The Seattle
Times, September 2, 2001, pp. B1-2;
---“River Reflections: Snohomish City 1859-1910,” Snohomish
Historical Society, (undated), pp. 54-55
---"Mary L. Sinclair Called by Death: An Early Pioneer," The
Everett Daily Herald, June 12, 1922, p. 1;
---"Mrs. Sinclair was Earliest Settler in Snohomish,"
Snohomish County Tribune, June 23, 1922, p.1;
---Junius Rochester, "Low, John Nathan (1820-1888) and Lydia
Low (d. 1901)," HistoryLink.org Essay 1049, November 2,
---Warner Blake, Early Snohomish (South Carolina: Arcadia
Publishing, 2007);
©2008 Warner
Blake |