The Women's Legacy Project of Snohomish
County, Washington seeks to honor our foremothers by recording and
sharing their personal histories, their ability to adapt to the forces
of change and their constant vigilance as stewards of the
diverse cultures of our society. www.snohomishwomenslegacy.org |
Snohomish County Women and the 1910 Suffrage
By Margaret Riddle
and Louise Lindgren |
Votes for Women, Vol 1, no. 11, December 1910 |
On November 8, 1910, Washington State’s male voters passed the
women’s suffrage referendum by a majority of almost two to one, making
Washington the fifth state in the nation to enfranchise women. But in that year Washington women
were really winning back their vote. When Washington
was a Territory, women could vote, but only from
1883 to 1889.
Women had backed reform closing down saloons
and brothels. Through taxes and licensing these businesses were the mainstay of
funding for many towns and cities. Thus suffrage was considered “bad for
business.” Under pressure, the State Supreme Court cited a technicality making
equal suffrage illegal. That, along with a strong saloon lobby, brought
Washington into statehood in 1889 without women’s suffrage. For this reason,
1910 Washington suffragettes distanced themselves from the liquor issue, even
though many strongly supported prohibition. |
Winning the vote for women in
Snohomish County
Snohomish County women
were prominent in the 1910 campaign. A major player was
Mrs. M. T. B. Hanna (1856-1926) of Edmonds. Missouri Hanna
edited and published Votes for Women, the official
organ of the Washington Equal Suffrage Association. The
publication ran from 1909 to 1910 combining news from
suffrage clubs throughout the state, editorials, cartoons
and political commentary. When the vote was won, the paper
continued through 1912 as The New Citizen, focusing
on women’s issues. |
Missouri Hanna was not new to
journalism in 1910, having founded the Edmonds
Review in 1904, the year she moved to Edmonds. She
had been widowed and turned to journalism in order
to support herself and two daughters. Her passionate
and articulate support of women’s causes led her to
publish Votes for Women. In Hanna’s words:
“It is argued that, given the ballot, women will
cease to care for the home, leave the meals
uncooked, the children uncared for, the buttons
strewn while she rushes off to vote. As it only
takes about two minutes to perform the function of
voting none of the above calamities are likely to
happen. We venture to guess that the enfranchised
woman can cook and serve a delicious dinner, sew on
the buttons, and kiss away the children’s tears with
the same degree of success and womanliness that she
can stand and hang to a strap in the crowded street
car while her brother man sits comfortably, reads
his paper contentedly and puffs tobacco smoke in her
face, serenely oblivious of her presence.”
Hanna’s publication gives glimpses of other
Snohomish County suffragettes. Some were prominent
teachers such as Mary McNamara, president of both
the Snohomish County and Edmonds Equal Suffrage
Clubs and Rainie A. Small, a teacher in the
Snohomish County schools for fourteen years. Small
was also county superintendent of schools in 1900,
principal of Florence and Edmonds High Schools and a
pioneer worker for the Grange.
The Everett Suffrage Club
Everett was a strong center for labor and labor supported
the suffrage cause. Voting support was needed to provide
decent working conditions, safety regulations and the
eight-hour day demanded by workers. It was also in the
interest of working men to avoid competing with women who
were usually hired at a lower rate of pay. If women could
vote there might be a chance for labor’s long-sought “equal
pay for equal work.”
In the September issue of Votes for Women, Hanna wrote that
the Everett Suffrage Club had been one of the most
successful in the state at gaining press coverage. The club
was featured regularly in the Everett Daily Herald, the
Everett Morning Tribune and the Labor Journal, thus reaching
thousands of readers. Operating from a third-floor room in
the new Commerce Block
in Everett, suffrage club members strung a large,
conspicuous yellow banner across Hewitt Avenue before
election day with the legend “Vote for Amendment, Article
VI: It Means Votes For Women”. Since the official ballot did
not include the words “Woman Suffrage”, suffragettes felt
they needed to educate voters on how to mark their ballots. |
Dr. Ida Noyes
McIntyre, M.D. (1859-1932) was the Everett club’s
Vice President. She had come to Everett in 1901 to
practice medicine and set up a clinic. A dedicated
suffragette, Ida had helped win the vote for women
in Colorado. She opened her clinic for meetings of
the Everett Suffrage Club.
A colorful event
captured front-page attention in both of Everett’s
daily newspapers. On July 5, 1910, Ella M. Russell,
president of the Everett Suffrage Club, rose to her
feet before sixty-five hundred people in a Billy
Sunday crusade in Everett to answer an attack on
women’s suffrage. The attack came from Mrs. Rae
Muirhead, a Bible speaker with the Sunday campaign.
Mrs. Muirhead opposed women’s suffrage and in her
testimony that evening said that a woman’s role was
to teach her sons to vote properly. She also
claimed to have received harassing letters from the
Everett Suffrage Club. Ella Russell asked to be
heard and when denied, stepped up on a bench in
front of the hall and began to speak. Mrs. Muirhead,
Ella explained, was a woman of influence. The
suffrage club had written only in hopes of gaining
her support. Reporting this event in Votes for
Women, Missouri Hanna wrote: “This event became
the rallying point of an enthusiasm for suffrage
which has put Everett in the forefront of the
campaign. Mrs. Russell is resourceful, she has
rallied about her many able women and many novel
schemes have been devised to further the cause of
suffrage in Snohomish and adjoining counties.”
Mrs. Muirhead was
not alone in her thinking. Many prominent women were
against women’s suffrage citing passages from the
Bible which placed women under the authority of men
and predicting the downfall of the family and loss
of women’s special “privileges and position” in
society. The Everett Suffrage Club spoke to these
women in the Labor Journal of November 4, 1910: “IF
YOU WERE A GIRL WORKER: “No woman in silks and
satins, whose only care is how she may keep her
social light burning brighter than her rival’s has
any right to stand in the way of the rights of the
woman who toils.” And regarding widows with children
who often lost not only the breadwinner but their
inheritance when death intruded, the writer
continued: “No woman, whose home interests are well
cared for, has any right to stand in the way of the
rights of the woman who has carried her mate to the
grave.” This plea was before social “safety nets”
such as Social Security!
The Vote is Won
The 1910
suffrage campaign was well organized. This time
Washington women won the vote and kept it. Speaking
at a victory party, Dr. Ida McIntyre expressed her
delight with the win but also stated that she felt
running for office would still be years away. Ten
years later, August 26, 1920, the 16th Amendment to
the Constitution gave women the right to vote
nationwide. |
National American Woman Suffrage
Association, and Washington Equal Suffrage Association.
Votes for Women. Seattle, Wash: M.T.B. Hanna, 1909.
[various issues] Accessed via UW
Libraries Digital Collections Pamphlets and Textual Documents
Collection, Washington Equal Suffrage Association "Votes for Women"
Everett Trades Council, Everett Central Labor Council
(Wash.), and American Federation of Labor. The Labor
Journal. Everett, Wash: Everett Trade Council, 1909.
[all issues]
Louise Lindgren,
“To Vote or Not Vote: That Was the Question,” The Third
Age News and Information for Contemporary Seniors August 1995.
[Senior Services of Snohomish County. Mukilteo, WA., 1990s]
The Everett Daily Herald. Everett, Wash: [s.n.],