The Women's Legacy Project of Snohomish
County, Washington seeks to honor our foremothers by recording and
sharing their personal histories, their ability to adapt to the forces
of change and their constant vigilance as stewards of the
diverse cultures of our society. www.snohomishwomenslegacy.org | |
WLP Story Number 30 ~ Louisa Fowler Sinclair ~ Memories of a Pioneer Childhood
By David Cameron |
One of the most valuable contributions of the
Depression-era Works Projects Administration (WPA) was a
program of interviewing pioneers and their descendants
throughout Washington State. With high unemployment among
writers and the passing away of most of the “original”
settlers, the idea was a natural and enlightened one. Out of
it came several small books from the Secretary of State’s
office entitled Told by the Pioneers*. Among several of the
interviews concerning Snohomish County was one with Louisa
Fowler Sinclair.
Louisa was the first settler child born in the county,
followed shortly after by the second, Neil Spithill. Both
were of mixed Native American/white ancestry. In 1860,
Louisa’s father, Jacob D. Fowler, a native New Yorker, and
her mother, Mary, moved to the site of Mukilteo to operate
the county’s first store, saloon, hotel and post office.
Only 24 at the time of the first county census in 1861,
Fowler held office also as the county’s first auditor, and
then treasurer when Mukilteo served as the first county seat
before its backers were outvoted 17-10 by the supporters of
Emory C. Ferguson and Snohomish on July 8, 1861.
Louisa was born the following year and retained vivid
memories of her childhood. Those provide us with an
invaluable glimpse of life in Snohomish County a century and
a half ago. Here is her account: |

"This early picture of
J.D. Fowler and his team of oxen was found in one of
the Fowler diaries. Fowler recorded many historical
facts of early Mukilteo in the daily record he kept.
The diaries have been handed down to his
granddaughter, Frances Record..." From booklet
entitled "History of Mukilteo". |
"I was the first child born of a white
parent in what is now Snohomish County. My father had
operated a trading post and tavern at Ebey’s Landing on
Whidby (sic) Island, and there had married my mother, who
ran away from her parents of the Skagit tribe because she
did not want to marry a brave they had chosen for her. She
made her way across the Skagit prairie and somehow reached
the northern end of Whidby (sic), and followed the shore
line to Ebey’s Landing, where my father first employed her
to help in the tavern.
“After they were married, my father joined with Mr. [Morris]
H. Frost in establishing a trading post at Point Elliot (now
known as Mukilteo). My first recollections of life are as a
small girl playing along the beach, picking up bright
pebbles there, and being entertained by Indians and now and
then a white man at father’s store. |
Mukilteo is mispronounced by almost
everybody. It should be called ‘mew-kill-too’- meaning
‘good camping ground.’ Because it was a good camping ground,
and because there was a trading post there, it became a
popular place for many tribes to foregather, and very often
there were Indians camped there from a dozen tribes. This
led to frequent clashes among the tribesmen – and so many
murders that the killing of one Indian by another became a
commonplace. My father often used to say when he heard of
another such killing, ‘Well, that’s fine – we’ll have Indian
for breakfast, tomorrow!’ All the trouble, however, was
between the Indians, they never attacked the white men,
probably because all white men carried one or two big
revolvers and a knife or two in their belts. |

Sewing Class at the
Tulalip School in 1914, several years after Louisa's
brief attendance.
Photographer: J. A. Juleen
Public Library Digital Collections |
“When yet quite small, my parents
decided I needed schooling and sent me to the Indian mission
at Tulalip. But I did not like it there. I felt superior to
the full-blooded Indians, and I did not like the service. We
were fed good enough food, but it was served in tin plates
and tin cups. These, after having been accustomed, in
father’s house, to china, rough and heavy though it had
been, was too primitive for me, and I rebelled. I went on a
hunger strike, refusing to eat anything, and in desperation
the mission returned me to my parents at Mukilteo. Later I
went to school for a few terms at Snohomish, and there I
worked for Mrs. Ferguson for my board.
“Perhaps I am incompetent to tell you
much about the typical life of children in those days, for
mine was not typical. I always boast that for
years I was the most popular girl in Mukilteo - and I was,
for there were no others. Therefore I was
somewhat petted and spoiled, and as my associates were all
adults, I was more than a little precocious. |
“My mother early taught me the use of the needle, and I
obtained patterns for shirts and other garments for men.
From father’s store I got materials, and made shirts for
sale. I was well paid for them. Too, I liked to pick up
shells and colored pebbles, and make knickknacks and picture
frames by embedding the bright-colored shells and pebbles in
putty. These I sold for good prices. And when,
somehow, I became possessed of a jig-saw, I spent a lot of
time making seine needles, which were much in demand among
the fishermen.
“I always had money, though I had
little use for it. I suspect I was a bright youngster, for
one day several men were sitting on the porch in front of
father’s store watching the approach from the Sound of a
sailing vessel which had appeared between the islands some
miles away. They were betting as to which of the several
vessels plying the Sound this might be. It seemed a good
chance for me to make some more money. The vessel was too
far away to be recognized, so I went into father’s store,
got his binocular and slipped away to a place where I could
watch it unseen. In a short time I saw the name. Then I
replaced the binocular and very innocently joined the
gamblers. They were still wondering. I said, ‘Can I bet?’
‘Sure,’ they replied. ‘Well,’ I said, ‘I’ll bet it’s the
"Walter Ellis". I’ll bet five dollars.’
“Just for a joke, as they believed, they took the bet, and I
produced my money. I won, of course. I didn’t tell how for
years afterward.
“I often took care of the store while
father was away on a trading trip. He would load up a boat,
a small schooner, with flour and bright-colored cloth, and
many small articles for trade, sail up Port Gardner Bay to
the mouth of the Snohomish River and then up river as far as
he could navigate. He would exchange his cargo for hides and
cranberries, which upon his return he would ship to Tacoma.
Most of his trading was with Indians, there were few white
men along the Snohomish at that time.”
“One day while I was running the store, an Indian was
knocked into a campfire during a fight near the store. His
back was badly burned and he was in great pain. I wanted to
help him and ran into the store to return with a bottle of
Pain Killer, a liniment presumed to be good for“My father was the first postmaster at
Mukilteo, and in the early days there was no other post
office in Snohomish County. So all the mail for settlers up
the river came to our office. There may have been a
schedule, but if there were, it didn’t mean much; for the
mail often was a week later than we hoped for. Sometimes
letters addressed to settlers up river lay in our office for
weeks before being called for. But when a vessel called the
‘Chehalis’ began making regular trips up the Snohomish
river, its captain used to pick up mail for settlers he knew
and carry it to the nearest point he could reach".
(unidentified) photograph (on right) of Louise
Sinclair, circa 1946; article accompanying
photograph is on file at Everett Public Library
Northwest Room.
The Fowler Family
is gone now, but the pear tree planted by them
probably the year after Louisa was born in 1862
still remains at the foot of Park Avenue just above
the railroad tracks cutting the street off from the
waterfront. On a recent spring day it was blooming
well, although the broken trunk is only a portion of
the original tree. A Mukilteo maintenance worker
from the shop across the street noted its pears are
smaller than an orange and ripen slowly: “Probably a
winter pear,” he observed. Crows and the public
still harvest them, providing an ongoing continuity
with our past. When it finally dies, the city plans
on replacing the tree from cuttings taken six years
ago and being raised by an arborist on Whidbey
[photo on left] Mukilteo pioneer Jacob
D. Fowler had some of his claim under cultivation as
early as 1861 and it is believed his orchard was
planted about 1863. Growing on the west side
of his homestead, the Fowler pear tree remains as
the sole survivor of that orchard.
Photo by David
Dilgard, 1982 |
©2006 David A. Cameron, All Rights Reserved
For more of
the story including information on canning salmon, using
dogfish oil lamps, trading feathers for pillows and bed
ticks as well as hunting brant geese, see *Sinclair,
Louise [Fowler] Told By the Pioneers: Tales of a
Frontier Life As Told by Those Who Remember the Days of the
Territory and Early Statehood of Washington , Volume II
(Olympia, 1937-38), p. 179 - United States Works Progress
Administration (Wash.) -
Online version at the Washington State Library
Requires Plug in software to be downloaded from the site. |