Her duties soon included writing the
“social page.” A feature about a pilot earned her a bonus
and was so well remembered that for years Nellie was known
as “the girl who went flying.” When Bill took a job in
Petersburg, Alaska, in 1976, Nellie went to work for The
Petersburg Pilot as feature writer, typesetter and
circulation manager rolled into one. “It was an incredible
experience,” she says. “The messy, physical work of
producing a newspaper was offset by the joy of writing.” |
The couple moved to Dillingham, Alaska,
where Nellie managed the dock for the city and was office
manager for a couple who owned five diverse businesses: a
hotel, hardware and lumber store, restaurant, marina and fur
buying operation. She also taught parliamentary law for the
University of Alaska. On a lark, she agreed to run for mayor
against two men, both lifelong residents of Dillingham. She
says she didn’t really care if she won until the radio
station had a debate, and her opponents called her a
politician. “I was outraged,” she recalls. “I told them the only reason I was running was because I knew how to conduct the meetings.” Voters, tired of the haphazard way city meetings were held, responded by electing her outright in the primary. Dillingham lost its new mayor eight months later when Bill’s health forced him to resign as head of maintenance for the school district, and the couple returned to Monroe, where they still owned a home. |
In 1982 Nellie found herself back at The
Monitor, where she remained until she retired ten years
later with five writing awards to her credit. She wrote a
lot about local history, started a health page and wrote a
column called “Nellie’s Knick Knacks.” She says, “I always
included people. That’s what I think newspapers are all
about.” While her fiction is based on historical events, Nellie’s book about Monroe, Monroe: The First 50 Years, is a factual, chronological account of that city’s beginnings. Filled with information and insights into everyday life on farms, in mills and logging camps, along the river, etc. Attitudes about business, civic responsibility, education, social life and morality are recorded, as are accounts of community celebrations, church news, “current” fashions, entertainment and sports. “I wrote the book because it had never been done, and I felt it needed to be,” Nellie says. “It soon became apparent that I couldn’t do the entire history, so I decided to do the first fifty years. The Monroe Historical Society kindly let me keep their film and reader here at the house, or it would have taken me forever to get this written. As it was, it took four years.” |
Nellie says she enjoyed the research, but
“had the most fun including vignettes that make it human.”
She writes of Sam the Hugger, so named for breaking into
homes to hug the lady of the house before dashing out again,
and Louisa Smallman, a pioneer who successfully fought off
claim jumpers, but jumped up on a table whenever she saw a
mouse. These days, Nellie concentrates on writing fiction four hours a day. Careful to maintain a balance in her life, she plays computer games while she eats lunch, cross-stitches designs on sweatshirts and spends as much time as she can. For Nellie, the accolades that meant most came from her husband and children. A warm smile spreads over her face as she tells of a speech her daughter gave before a service organization. The message that age should not make a difference was focused on “the best mom in the world, Nellie E. Robertson, who published a book shortly before her seventieth birthday.” |
Nellie’s writer’s mind is always seeing
possibilities, always figuring out the best way to string
words together. It is part of who she is - and part of the
world her father showed her when she was just a little girl. Nellie Robertson now lives in Olympia Washington and is still writing. She has since completed Monroe: The Next Thirty Years, Kathryn’s Courage, Wellington Wisdom and its sequel, Beyond Wellington. Even though she decided that "Discoveries" wouldn’t sell that well she had it printed rather than published, selling out twice. Her newest book is titled “Hannah.” For more about her see the Monroe Historical Society page. |
Source: Interview with Nellie E. Robertson, 1997 and
2006. © 1997 - 2006 Theresa A. (Teri) Baker, All Rights Reserved |